Hello! Welcome to Pranaya Chugh's Digital Portfolio.
Pranaya Chugh
Frisco High School
About Me
I am a junior at Frisco High School who wants to pursue a career in the field of oncology and cancer research, hoping to improve patient care while empowering others. I am ambitious, productive, and am very willing to learn and develop new skills that will help me succeed in the future.
Mission Statement
My goal in Independent Study and Mentorship is to gain knowledge regarding my topic, cancer research, and be able to apply it to the real world. I want to work with my mentor to produce a high-quality final project that demonstrates my interest in the field while displaying the requirements of my projected career and future ambitions. As I progress throughout the year, I plan on becoming familiar with cancer research and understanding how to pursue my future endeavors.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns at pranaya.chugh.07@gmail.com.